Don't give up hope yet, there is a strip down here that a gravel co. has been trying to buy for years. I talked to the gravel co. owner one time and he said he will buy it when the price is right, but he also said that he will lease out the strip for someone else to operate. He said the sand and gravel under the strip and pits has 50 years of oil and other fluids spilled on it, the EPA would require him to remove something like 40 inches deep and dispose of it, then any material below that would have to be washed before selling. So he would do better to lease out the track and dig gravel out of the property along the river, there is 40 acres there.

It said in the article that the Tulsa track has been there since 1965, so they may have the same situation.

And good luck to Mr. Fuller, local governments and the EPA have killed the last 3 mega-tracks planned in Ohio, Mansfield, Spitzer's, and Engel's.