

Good God Doc! This is still going on?
Give it up--you're wrong on this one.

He's just trolling you... never engage in a battle of wits with the unarmed. I've had enough of his "facts". Another one for the blocked list. <plonk> That'll make this thread about 75% "shorter" so I can read through it "faster"

DrCharles .. the people-mechanic ... I hope that you "work" on people better than the skills you display here on your automotive knowledge.

Wits ? ...and the "battle" of ? ...I would like-that with you ...BRING IT.

And you have a BLOCKED LIST ? ..... so that is what your Mommy told you to do ? .... shows-me what a candy-azz you are !

And just a note for you keyboard-commandos.... I come-after NO ONE here. JUST LIKE what happened here ....this Dr ... throws a cream-pie at me ... and he gets TWO right-back at him.