Okay I'm almost at my wits end with my Dart, and am just about ready to just run it and if it blows up, oh well. I have a 360 with W-2 econo heads and I keep having odd oil pressure issues. Last year I couldn't keep the pressure up when I was priming it, and finally traced it to a missing gasket behind the oil filter plate. Now I have oil pressure, but it fluctuates like crazy. When I start the car the pressure jumps up to about 80psi. It gradually drops to about 25-30psi as I let it idle. No problems there. When I start driving sometimes the pressure will drop to around 20 (even at around 3500rpm), but will shoot back up to around 60psi when I back off the throttle. Then after about 15 minutes of driving the pressure will drop to around 18 at idle and wont go above 35 when driving (and it still does the weird no throttle pressure jump). I'm running a high volume melling pump, but being the retard I can be sometimes, I reused the oil pump gasket when I quick pulled it to change pick-ups ( I was going to a new pan). This might be the obvious problem, but what else could be causing this? BTW, the Autometer gauge I have never goes below 10psi even when the car is off. This makes me nervous as hell that I might only have 8-10 pounds of pressure at times. Is this normal for a gauge like this?

74 Dart Sport