quality control is a thing of the past . WE also ride custum motor cycles that break and down . MY 69 charger 500 miles after total reconstruction and about 20,000 dollars in drive train ( IM A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER) THE trany started acting up (MY BROTHER OWNS A VERY HUGE TRANY SHOP he built it . well I did he told me what to put where -FAILED , combination valve from IN LINE TUBE FAILED , BRAND new headman ceramic headers needed major mods and still rub trany pan . orange box FAILED . I have a chrome alt didnt work oofb and small starter that worked 2 times , the 2 cost over 300 . There is a advanced auto parts starter and alt in my car now because it was after 8 and napa was closed . Im use to my everyday driver so I try to hold my 69 to it, and IM getting close steering , brakes are so good now its so much FUN to drive but the performance is what its all about . HIGH PERFORMANCE CUSTOM !!! plane and simple ..There is one completed engine in the stand and another in the cart waiting for fuel injection and a blower ( THAT WAS BUILT FOR A NEW CHAL )MORE FABRICATING AND MORE BROKEN PARTS AFTER 500 miles .. IF IM lucky LOL !! so whats it all about ? ITS DIFERENT for each and evryone of us . I GOT BRAND NEW PARTS FROM MAGNUM FORCE FOR A BODY AND I OWN 2 Bees and they will not take them back and it was there fault SENDING THE WRONG STUFF .. Fix your heads have them chkd and done rite and go burn rubber !!!!