Tires are the co6 compound, 11.5x29.5W tire, using 13 lbs,
tried them at 12.5, the phoenix liked 14 new and down a 1/4 to 1/2 lbs after 50 to 75 runs, the set of phoenix I pulled off had 276 runs on them, and was still hooking, but the sidewalls were gone, and my lights were all over the place, on the hits I made last night started with a .002 light, adj front tire pressure went .020, next hit was .019, next was .009, another at .016, so the lights were back in line where it needs to be, have another race tonight I am going to up the pressure to 15 and go from there, and see if I can make a difference.

Charlie gear looks good, just checked it, no tubes in the tires, and they are balanced, Qa1 adj shocks on the rear, car is smooth after the launch, it's just that rumble strip feeling it gives when leaving, talked to the hoosier guy this morn, I bought mine from, and he said when you feel the tire chatter like it is doing they are working the best, I am gonna have to call bs on that deal, I don't know but I have had a lot of brands of tires on my car over the years, and have never had a set feel like these do.

Will know in a few hrs, what I can do with this, may just put my old phoenix back on the car, and finish out the season, if I can't get this problem in line.
