




800 is fair... you could ask for the cam degree job to be thrown in.

I agree...burn that bridge over $1-200. There are just some people you shouldn't do business with until their perception changes IMO. Let him take it to this other shop that is cheaper, I say.

You aren't a business guy and it shows. If the competition is charging less locally, any business owner will tell you that is what determines the price. Might not even be aware he is losing business over a small amount of $$$. That is what sways the buying public many times.

200 bucks for a degree job? Send them all to me.

really? so basically your saying everyone should shop by price alone?
i think some people do that, others shop by reputation and experience. which would you rather have?

Depends. You were the one that was charging a ton for stuff a few years ago and got put off by others delivering quality work for much less. So I would expect your outlook to be different, based on the explosion you had then.

what in the world are you talking about? what kind of stuff and what explosion? have you been hanging around the fiberglass fumes with Doc or something?

speaking of Doc, you want some of the action for 50.00 an hour? go get some. i'm betting you have no idea of the investment it takes to equip a machine shop and keep the doors open. 500K will barely get you started with equipment, add the tooling and supplies, specialized hand tools, maintenance, rent, tangible taxes, employee payroll, (more taxes) electricity, chemicals, etc. etc. and see how that works out for you. you'll work the first 10 hours of the day just to meet expenses, if your lucky. at 50 .00 an hour you'll be out of business in a hurry.

machine shop owner and engine builder