Enough air?? Never thought of that. It has a 6-bbl scoop, sealed very well to the carb. In fact I tried it without the air pan one outing and the car slowed exactly 1 tenth and just a tick over 1 MPH. We always run the car with an air cleaner also; a 5" tall 10" diameter K&N. Now that you've sparked that idea, I'm going to A) make sure it gets a good cleaning and B) try a run or two without it.

Hey, Dom...apples and oranges...we don't have the go-nads to drive it on the street like you do! If fact, I bet no one here drives a 9 second car on the street as much as you do!!

We're "happy" with the way it runs, especially since it's my first small block build, but being the motor guy, I'm never happy...LOL! I chased the elusive 9.99 time slip all winter and spring, just beating my head against the wall, but plan to go back to that this fall. (Come on late October!!)