Just last night, I was trying to explain to my girlfriend my feelings for my car...she (the car) does have a personality, and she comforts me.

What I love most about our cars, is that when I am with them, everything is right with the world...my friends in Iraq are not getting blown up by cowardly homemade bombs, there's no research projects that are looming over my head, all of lifes stresses just melt away, and it's just me and machine. When Driving, washing, or working on my car, it's just me, and the car.

There always is that sadness when parking for the day. knowing that the fun time is over, and it's back to reality. When I go out, I usually take the longest way possible to get where I'm going. Sure, I could get to Wal-Mart with a short, 8 minute jaunt down I-25 at 70 mph, but instead, I take the back way, taking as long as 15-20 minutes, going 45-55.

The above story seems to capture that feeling perfectly.

**Photobucket sucks**