Give these a try. So far, no one has gotten back and said they work, or not. If you give them a try and find out one way or another, there are alot of people that would like a diffinative answer. I myself took a Baldwin PA632 (under $20) and cut it down to fit. I had to trim it several times to get it right. I always have the seam in the back, towards the firewall so its harder to see. I made sure to have an overlap of the mesh bigger then the paper element, and used black RTV to seal the seams on top and bottom. After trimming it to size, I taped up the mesh in place, applied some RTV, wet my fingure and used it to smooth the RTV. Took a couple of trys, but finally got it to where I thought it was good enough.

Remember, when cutting it, work slowly, as you can always take more off, and never put it back on. I bought 2 filters just in case, and it turned out good. But, it was a learning experience and the second one will be better. The Baldwin filter if fairly cheap$$$, and MADE IN THE USA!!!

K&N E2866---2.5" tall
K&N E1960---2" taller then factory
K&N E1963---1" taller then factory

As I said, I have NOT personally checked to see if these are the correct size, or if they will clear under everyones applications. If you find any results, either way, please let all of us know.
(I also heard these K&N filters are round, but have to be formed to fit air filter housing.)

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