

...$400, $600, for a fiberglass dash board? Someone is on drugs.

Doc, who are you to insinuate a price? At this point, you are not welcome on this post anymore to me. And now Glassman has taken the ball and run with it. What a shame. Make your own dash, name the price and sell it. Until then, go away from this post. Let me speculate a price now...$30 bucks. I think I am owed an apology.

Sorry to offend you or anybody else. Most people don't realise the cost of making just the mold. The time , the effort, the advertising. It all costs big bucks to break into a new market. It would be the same if I were to start making a Charger SRT hood. Mopar piece--YES! New market--YES! Good luck with your new dash board and until I have that item on my list, I will send people your way , only if it is a quality piece. Oh and take it easy on Doc, he forgot how to be sensitive. We are building the 66-67 Dodge Coronet and Charger fender molds right now in the slow season. Next molds are new hemi scoop molds then the another new mold that I can't mention at the present time. And again,Good luck on the new dash mold.