


Just a heads up, Josh.....I have taken the wheels off of Jeff's walker and hid his glasses so he can't find his teeth...I just wish I could be there for geezer nite at the track...Ooops...did I say that out loud? Ya'll just be safe and have a grrrrrreat time.

Thanks for the help Mrs.Hitman!!!!!

Now if I could just get someone to spike there Gerital I will be a

I was reading through the posts and looking over the pics of your car, I must say it is just beautiful. However, the caption says that in this picture, it is more complete. I will be more than happy to help ya out with the Geritol, but even better than that, I have the one piece that your car is still missing to make it just perfect.

Well feel free to have that delivered to me, but I do already have one of thos little fellers....its what I use to start mine

thats classic King!