I remember the Mello Yello Nationals. Spent the whole weekend there snapping pics, only to find out later that the film feed in my old Kodak Instamatic wasn't working correctly and all 36 pictures I took were on one frame. I still have a number of autogrpahed driver promo cards from that race including Don Garlits and the Kaiser Bros.

The tracks are both still there but were closed down in, I think, 1990 or 91. The buidings and stands were sold off and it sits. They haven't been used since and are in such disrepair they wouldn't be usable today without resurfacing. The odds of it ever reopenign are zero. Way too many NIMBYs live here now for that to happen anywhere close to town, although we despreatly need those tracks again. We have to go to Pueblo or Denver for racing anymore.