
I don't think muriatic acid is going to give you the results you want but knock yourself out. A 4:1 mix will take forever to eat any significant weight away. In order for muriatic to even begin to work the parts have to be bare metal - free of everything: paint, oil, etc.. The acid will leave a rough, porous surface so you're going to end up putting an equal amount of weight in bondo back on to get a decent paintable surface! Personally I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that vat - the fumes from just a quart bottle will damn near kill you!! Just out of curiosity, what's your disposal plan - being from the land of tree-hungers and all ?!?!?

We would only be doing this for rust removal, not for any actual metal removal if that's what the OP is planning. I have done this a fare bit already and 24 hrs is all it takes. You can use muriatic acid to change the PH in your swimming pool and after you dilute it enough there is no harm to the environment.( the grass in my back yard )