
Mine have super small scratches/light haziness in them to, but the indoor lighting hides it. Stainless steel, even when buffed to the max, will never look like chrome plating. Out in the sunlight they still look super nice.

I wet sanded mine down with 1000, 1500, 2000 grit etc. paper and then put them on a spare wheel and buffed the face with a car buffer and some mothers mag polish. I then took them off and set the buffer down on the ground with a zip tie on the trigger to keep it running and then buffed out the edges by holding the side of the caps against the buffer pad and slowly rotating them at the same time. The stainless can get super hot after long periods of buffing so wear gloves or let them cool off every so often so your hands don't get blistered.

I did go over them later on with some stainless rouge and a cotton buffer wheel out of curiosity, but it didn't seem to make them any shinier than the mag polish did.

I still have the cad file so if you have access to a sign shop that can cut the vinyl out and want to try the decal method let me know.

Thanks Neil. Is the decal only for the red or for the black areas as well?