
Plain old mild steel. The last tank I built has been in use for 5 years now and as far as I know there have been no issues. The one before that has been around over 15 years without issues. Sitting around not being used for years, 1/2 full, is what promotes rust and other problems.

I would be a little concerned about coating the inside of a tank these days, this stuff they are selling us they call fuel has proven to cause reactions with many of the tank sealers from even a few years ago. I don't think they are done messing with the fuel yet, I expect it to get worse. As long as the new car manufactures keep making tanks from steel, (though they are galvanizing them) I think we will would be wise to do the same. Gene

who's using steel to make new tanks? every new car, truck and SUV that I've seen in the yards, all have plastic tanks.

**Photobucket sucks**