Might sound dumb, but I almost have my rebuilt 318 back together (and tranny) and with all that has been going on, I have two blank spots in my mind. (1970 Plymouth 318 cu....was an A/C car)

1st: Does anybody have a picture of the power steering pump brackets/set up. I think I have it on correctly, but want to confirm.

2nd: The motor and tranny are back in the engine bay, but I have two brackets that are from under the engine or tranny or both that are about 12" long. They are v shaped for strength, like angle iron, but I can't figure out where they go! Sounds totally stupid I know. I have everything back on except that and laying up under the car I'm going, "Hmmmm???" How stupid is that? Don't answer that...but if you would, could you suggest what they are for? I was thinking to help hold the tranny, but both the tranny and engine have motor mounts of course to allow for torque so hard bolting either to the frame wouldn't be logical. Maybe they secure the engine to the tranny and not to the frame? I know that sounds so stupid. I'll look more, but thought maybe you guys could help. (I'm embarrassed to ask, but my head is spinning a bit with all the stuff that I've been doing not only on the car, but other projects.) Thanks. Chris.

Last edited by RoadrunnerCN; 05/10/11 11:31 AM.