
If not an AFB, then what is the correct carb for my car?
Neil - the edelbrock seems like a good idea for reliability and performance, but it does not look original enough. I am not doing a 100 percent concours resto, but the carb should look right.
We drove the car for the first time yesterday!! However, it idles really poorly under 1400 rpm, plus we are finding that we cannot seem to adjust the thing (no noticeable results when turning screws). The carb was apparently rebuilt.

Yuor car had an AVS , its been out of production for decades . Bthe Ebrock thunder series is the only carb that is close in function and appearance to the AVS .

Talk to Scott Smith , I'm sure he could make one look like the old AVS , buy the 650 Thunder series , don't buy the one with the Endura finish.