

It is definately a smiles per mile now. I was sitting on the couch with a sinister smile laughing under my breath and my wife asks me what was wrong

440 smile honey, 440 smile

Love that!! Now take her for a ride. Mine gets mad because she's torn between hitting me or holding on to something!! Can't do both BB A-bodies are a blast to drive! Oh yea...my choice would be a well tuned 3310(vac sec 750 Holley)

Take the car and the old lady to someplace with a "tri-color signal tree, two wide lanes and approx. 3/8" mile in length. Give her the drivers seat and
let her go at it. She'll eventually like the sport or respect the fact not to be mad at you!!

"Stupidity is Ignorance on Steroids"
"Yeah, it's hopped to over 160" (quote by Kowalski in the movie Vanishing Point 1970 - Cupid Productions)