Let me just say that Summit Motorsports Park is awesome. Looked like we were gonna get rain in the afternoon, but it held off for some great racing. Little windy, but made it safer to only run 1/8th mile. My objective was to make sure my car was ready for action at first points race in May. Did not do much on off season, but replaced oil pump, rod and main bearings, inspected/adjusted transmission, new front tires. Wanted to make sure oil pressure good. Car performed flawless. First pass off the trailer .008 light 1.310 60' 6.083 @ 110.94, second pass -.001 light 1.311, 6.080 @ 111.70. First round of eliminations 6.07 dial .001 light 1.291 60' 6.056 @ 111.4, opponent 5.46 dial .004 light 5.461, I took the stripe by .017 for the loss to a .005 package. Hard to be upset with that. Car did what I wanted and driver shook off the cobwebs withe some tight lights, Car is in trailer and ready to create havoc at the first points race.