


Something doesn't look right, I don't think that should be angled down like that.

Possibly because the "C" shaped link is standing near verticle, in some installations it leans forward at an angle which would bring the top link closer to horizontal. That would also close up the gap in the slot.

Looking at it again after John mentioned this I can see your problem and I believe it is caused because you have run out of adjustment on the rod going down to the trans which is not allowing the carb attachment to go fully forward.

Did you piece this setup together, you may have the wrong lever down at the trans wich is why it is at the end of travel , or you put it on upside down ?

Did you miss this ? unbolt the down rod and see if everything levels out and it pulls forward, if it does you either have the wrong throttle cable bracket or the lower rod is too short/bent wrong or the lever on the trans is the wrong oreintation.

I asked , is this parts from one source or did you piece it together ?