

How much background do you have in engines? If there are problems will you recognize them? If it were me for the price of a gasket kit I'd tear it down & have a look but if you aren't gonna have any more skill than the previous person working on it.....

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I have NO background in assembly. I already have the factory service manual, though, and am a stickler for research/details. I might just give tearing it down a shot! What's the worst that could happen? LOL!

Seriously, though. If it does grenade, I will have learned something, AND it wouldn't be a $1,000 motor... Hmmm...

Good answer, some might take my first comment as somewhat a$$hole like, I didn't mean it that way & apparently you didn't take it that way.. As was mentioned you've got a manual, you've got Moparts, you live in an area where there are likely other members who might offer a hand.. The engine is already a question mark... Take it apart... In everything inside iis right it cost you a gasket set, if you find & correct a problem your way ahead... The only way to learn is to get dirty...

"The Armies of our ancestors were lucky, in that they were not trailed by a second army of pencil pushers."