I'm not well-versed in the (at this point is) mystical art of rebuilding an 8.75 pumpkin (a 742 would be preferable). At one point I was just going to go ahead and buy a 742 already done. I may still do that. But, budget realities are starting to hit home and I'm trying to figure out if I can do it myself and save some $$$$. I haven't found a lot of info on exactly how to rebuild a 742 on the net.

Disassembly and assembly don't look very difficult to me and I suspect that the hard part is getting everything set correctly with the shims. True?

What out of the ordinary tools would I need? And, how much can I save by doing it myself vs buying one already done? Seems like if I take my time and shop smart, I may be able to get it done a little cheaper.

1966 Barracuda 1968 Barracuda convertible 1930 Ford Model A (soon to be hemi equipped) 2006 Dodge 3500 4X4 CTD Quad Cab