Well, the service manual says to never clean it, and if there's ever an issue just replace it. Not saying I agree with that, but official procedure is to throw it away if it needs to be cleaned

Meanwhile...I like to take it off, and hold it in a catch pan with the butterfly control motor pointing up so that carb cleaner will not run inside the motor/throttle butterfly control. Hose with carb cleaner, scrub with toothbrush over and over until clean.

Don't spray carb cleaner directly into the intake unless you're willing to let it sit with no throttle body on it for a long time to let it dry thoroughly....if any of it stays puddled in the manifold...if it should pop when you fire it up, it will break the plastic intake. For the same reason I wouldn't recommend spraying anything in there while it's running.

To clean right behind the throttle body in the intake a little, I like to use cloths/paper towels soaked in carb cleaner and wipe it out.

They build up alot of nasty gunk on the backside of the TB pretty quickly, because of the way the CCV is set up....

Plug time is a good time for a pcv valve too, if it hasn't been replaced yet

Rich H.

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