Being the most Easterly member of Moparts in North America, I can honestly say that this year was awesome.
I think . we have learned a great deal about each other and maybe about ourselves.
The knowledge here is unbelievable and the guys and gals are ready to share it.
Thanks to the owner and the mods for putting up with us when some threads get heated.
There is one story that was not mentioned ...........
where one of our "crown prince's" (onebadsuperbird) here on Moparts led us all on about some "cock and bull" story of a Hemi Daytona that he remembered way back when and then discovered it 10 min from his house. ...........
YOU BAD JOHN >>>>YOU BAD !!!!!!!!!!

You got that Hemi daytona restored yet?????????

So from here in Newfie , ye'all have a safe and successful New Year and my God Bless ALL.

Garry Knight...........aka mopar_man

BTW....Re Alaska....Ye lucky bast$%ds. Teddy Rosevelt bought Alaska from the czar of Russia for $9,000,000.00. Thats about .07 cents an acre. Canada couldn't afford it and said it was only a waste land anyway. ...i think their opinion was slightly off.
Make you wonder how it would have turned out if Kruschiev had to own Alaska during the Cuba missile crisis.

Last edited by mopar_man; 12/28/03 10:53 AM.