
as well as the fact Jamie made it a point to produce this tranny in the USA, vs. mexico for a tremec, or korea for the upcoming McCleod tranny....

For a $200 difference, that would mean something to me. For $800-1000 difference, i could care less, as long as it was still a quality piece. Not everything that comes from without is junk... it has more to do with the company having it made, and Passon has a good rep. Even if it came from China, i'd trust him to see that it was a good product.

That said, i sure would like one ov these in my car. I'm selling my 4-speed set-up right now. Come wrench time, i will NEED a new tranny... and its a toss-up between the T-56 that i would rather have... that will be used and cheap, and cheap to piece together (over time), or this Passon kit, which will fit my car, look right, and NOT require hacking (LOTS ov hacking from what i've read)... but cost enough to sideline my car for yet another year.

Still hoping for a small miracle... haha