



If I un-bolt the tranny mount can I move a 4-speed off the bellhousing about 1/4"? Is there enough slack?

I have a leak where the reverse gear cluster shaft enters the housing . My thought is that I can back it off enough to slide in a piece of gasket paper and silicone. The leak is coming from this area as there is no fluid around the shaft that goes into the bellhousing.


That sounds easy enough, but the face of the bell is not all flat unless you have a lakewood or quicktime bell. So sliding a piece of gasket material in there likely wouldn't do anything except cause the trans/bell to be out of parallel. Pull it out and make sure the oil isn't coming from the brg retainer. The countershaft pin needs to be sealed with silicone. They tend to weap if not sealed.

Instead of the gasket maybe just a bit of silicone applied via paint scraper? A dab should be enough to fill the small gap and seal it.

I hate to put a band-aid on a problem but if that would take care of the leak maybe that's all it really needs.

Thanks for all the help guys!!!

You will have to clean it of oil first, which means drain the trans, the silcone is not going to seal if what you are applying it to is covered with oil.

So you say the trans may have been rebuilt by a previous owner , when you get it back look to see that the cluster gear pin is pretty much flush with the end of the case , if it is an 1/8 or so in then it's an OD shaft. How do you know this is the leak ? when you took off the bearing retainer did you change the internal seal ? Was the seal surface on the input shaft good ?

I was planning on draining it completely and spraying the area with brake cleaner to prep it. The pin is completely flush with the case so I don't believe this to be an OD pin. With the bellhousing inspection cover off you can see the entire area around the bearing retainer is clean and yes, the internal seal was replaced and all surfaces looked fantastic. The drip is isolated to the seam where the tranny meets the bellhousing. I figured this has to be the only reason I'm seeing this leak if everything around the bearing retainer is dry.

Thanks John

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