Theres been a few suprises- mainly with the hydraulic clutch. But overall so far so good.And I think I'm inline with my original estimate.

All the drivetrain is in. Exhaust is hooked up, driveshaft is in.
Owner had the electric pump re-built and it showed back up today, so it'll go back in tomorrow..
Got the steering column in with the flaming river coupler today and it's plugged in. And it's now back down on it's 4 wheels

I have to get the clutch and the brakes bled this week, then do a final shifter adjustment.( can't get it in reverse) .
I have to pick up some fuses tomorrow, double ck over everything and see what it gets me.

SO, with a little luck it might be running this weekend.

And I WILL do a video, I'm dieing to hear this one run.

Part of the deal is to redo the six 15" rallye's and they were kinda rough. I figured out real quick it was more cost effective to have them dipped. And I just picked them up this afternoon. Then I'll paint them myself in the correct colors.