I have tryed to figure out how to use those online CR formulas with no luck, can someone give me a figure on my CR with these componets,440 bored 30 over 4.350, stock deck height using stock length H beam rods,6.768 with Ross 99501 dome pistons,2v/v relieves,comp dist 1.273,dome height 0.640, piston head volume -50cc, comp height 2.065, dome volume -14cc.On top is a set of stock Stealth Heads with a .040 head gasket,also cam is Comp 284H with Crane 1/6 roller rockers with a lift of 541 in and 544 ex intake opens at 36 BTDC and closes 68 ABDC, EX opens 82 BBDC and closes 34 ATDC, Duration @.50 In 240, Ex 246,Valve timing 0.006 Lobe center 110,intake centerline 106 Thanks very much for any info, Rodger