
Yes the scoop is molded onto the hood. (I can only hope it never becomes separated )

So, if I don;t have the spacer putting the carb flush with the bottom of the hood, then the next ideal entry would be something like

With the top sealed to the bottom of the hood and the hole in the hood matching the top of the sack?

I would set it up so the pan itself is 3/4" to 1"
below the bottom of the inlet then the entry mounted
to the pan, then if needed add a tube to the bottom
of the entry to go onto the carb... that way there
shouldnt be any turbulence in the scoop area before
the turn into the entry.... I cant find a pic on my
computer of the one I use and dont see it in Summit
either... gonna have the wife check her laptop....
she has a pic and will post the pic