


... a tci "race" 9 inch 3800 stall to start with...

If it's an actual "race" converter, it'll likely slip so badly below the lock-up point that it'll drive like crap on the street. Try it and see if you can live with it.

IIRC, 383man runs a Dynamic 9.5", as do I. I have no idea if they're configured the same, though.

what we have used 5200 stall race converters on the street and they didn't drive like crap on the street. a converter doesn't stall untill power is applied.

I'll be running a 5000 stall in my Rampage as a
street conv
I would call the company with the numbers from the
conv and ask what it will stall at behind his set up
that would be closer to being right than us guessing
at it

Last edited by MR_P_BODY; 01/19/11 08:25 AM.