
Fibergless is easy to work with, this is what you need to do. Using masking tape or any other kind will work, tape off the holes on the top side of the hood. A few layers will make it stronger so when you fill in the holes it will be flush with the hood. Now get a fiberglass repair kit, take the glass mesh and using sissors cut it into small fibers and put into a paper cup. Add resin and hardener into the cut with the fibers and mix well. Fill the holes with the mixture, pushing it around to eliminate bubbles and spread out the fibers. A little extra doesn't hurt, it can be ground after drying. After drying for a couple days remove tape and smoothen out top and bottom with file, grinder or sandpaper until smooth. Redrill holes as necessary and install fasteners. It will look like new when your done. Imperfections can be filled with resin and hardener mix.

Sounds easy.. lol

Thank you!!