

Al,thanks for the referral.Went to thier website and NOWHERE do they even imply the race suits are made in the USA.

Please tell me where the Original Poster said it has to be American made? I was replying to his post. I did not see yours at the time. He states he is looking for a suit from what I read. Put up a link to the best suits out there IMO. You just love to stir the pot dont ya

BTW I believe there stuff is all made overseas, Europe somewhere IIRC Not sure what is American made these days. If you find a place making a quality jacket and pants please do share. I woudl prefer to patronize an american made company but that is getting harder and harder anymore.

China is gonna take over the world without ever firing a shot.........

Al,it seems no matter what I say,it's concidered Simpson makes most of thier stuff here in the US,some of the shoes & gloves come from Asia.I try to buy AMERICAN when there is a choice,sometimes there is just no choice

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