
What about a guy that cuts up and builds a race car from an original 440 A body?

Scott, not everyone has their head rammed up their ... wallet ...

Maybe the :crybaby: purists should start ponying up to buyall these rare and valuable cars, as they call them , so they can be saved the way they think is proper.

Pretty selective reading you are doing there, value was one point I made but I guess you missed my other (very valid and non subjective) reasons for not cutting up an original? Actually I hear allot more "racers" lashing out at "purists" with the mere suggestion of not cutting up an original car than the opposite. Who's REALLY doing the crying here? Keep in mind that while I center on restoring cars these days I've also owned a fair number of race cars in the past, and although most on this forum consider me as such, I don't consider myself a "purist", I like them all.

As far as cutting up the original 440 A-body? It depends on the example. Generally speaking not something I'd do or suggest (assuming it's a solid complete car to begin with), now If it were a rusty turd missing all but an original VIN tag it probably wouldn't make much difference, it's all but junk allready.