
Holy!!! Just ask for a QUESTION on here and this is what I get from some of you!!!!! The way some are responding it sounds like Im spending YOUR $$,others seem jealious or something??? I dont know, just asked a question about thickness,not your opinion on what or what not to use!!!! THanx for the others that helped me!!!

right off you had two correct answers .

cost was mentioned ,then you made the statement

I agree,but I kinda dont like your typical alum. race car stuff!!!!Different is good!!!!

which really influenced my reply to reflect directly back at it. what is or why titanimum play a part in being different if it has no use or application in an area.

Had you said something like less weight, more strength ,better finished look or even I like it better.

I could not see it being the "different" as part of the answer I would expect. a different that only you would know ?? it made no sense to me.

In response to a remark about how you spend anyone's money : around here if you get to help someone save money as oppsed to putting in an un needed area it's a plus

JEALOUS sorry he's not here where I live

sometimes if it hit ytou in a wrong way we / I don't give conventionl answers oo make light of something. it's all in fun don't be so thin skinned.

Last edited by HEMIFRED; 12/07/10 04:55 PM.