
Jeremiah,did you have it flow-tested to see exactly what it flows??? How do you like it? I want more air flow..without hurting streetability,even though I run a 4:56 gear and a 9.5" torque converter! If I can get a couple of mph,and still have low-speed throttle response...I'll be a happy camper!

I'm sorry to say that we never got that involved this year...or the last three for that matter. I'd love to see what it flows though. As far as street manners it is every bit as good as an 850 HP IMO. It would be cool if you could find one to try locally. I was very worried when I first looked down the throat of the carb. It's like looking through a tube! That said it idles nice and throttle response is good at low speeds. If you can't find one to try locally perhaps we can work something out?