The 3310 is about the best street/strip carb out there for milder engines. Dirt cheap, easily tuned, fits nearly everything, and has no bad habits.

I will disagree that the vac sec 3310 will give up as much ET as was mentioned above. Except for particular circumstances, 750cfm is 750cfm and each should run similar if properly tuned. But, if the carb is to see street duty, the 3310 is a lot friendlier than the DP.

I have ran into the 7s in the 1/8 with 3310s.

If the carb is going to be on the street too, open the PVCRS and step the main jets down an equivalent amount. They are too rich on the cruise circuit. Not as bad as the DP, but enough that it needs addressed.

Adjust the balance between the mains and the PVCRs, tune the PV opening point, and dial in the secondary opening point and you have a rockin' carb.........for cheap.

Master, again and still