
Hey Dave,
From what I can tell the bulb you are looking for is #1892. Don't know if that's what is making the buzzer stay on though. Good luck

you could get that bulb OR the wedge kind one, depending if you got the metalic bayonet kind socket or the plastic one

except for 71s what everyone has got the bayonet kind, I got the conclusion those were fit kinda randomly. I got both kinds 50% of each on 6 chargers I have disasembled, true assemblied in Venezuela, but I don't think too much diff up there.

Main reason why the change to plastic socket and I think the one you could get is that one, wedge kind bulb ( 168 bulb as far I remember ) is because since 72s this function was switched on by ground signal ( 71s, ground was chassis constant, and switched on by positive via timer delay flasher ), so positive is constant. Any one of those signals can accidentally be grounded through the seatbelt chassis housing what accidentally can make contact with dash pad structure, being metallic so you can get a short OR a pegged on light and buzzer, depenidng on how its wired the chassis according on assembly plant.

About the rest... yes, I'm agreed on the seatbelt sensor being stuck in closed position OR some wire being grounded against some chassis section.

Bulb works together wit buzzer. They share same triggers

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela