Another thing to keep in mind is many cams are ground with advance built into them, that is when installed dot to dot. So if that cam recomended 108 centerline is combined with a 112 degree lobe sepration angle then there is 4 degrees of advance already in the cam. When people refer to installing the cam straight up it means that to your cam the centerline would be 112 (straight up is not dot to dot as many folks assume). The confusing thing here is centerline is expressed in crank degrees and lobe seperation is expressed in cam degrees. The crank turns twice for each revolution of the cam so to convert lobe sepration to crank degrees double it and divided by two for the straight up centerline or straight up centerline = lobe seperation angle.

If you install it at a 105 then you will be 7 degrees advanced (as a comparision one tooth off on the cam sproket is 9 degrees on a 40 tooth cam sprocket). The typical rule of thumb is if you need to advance/retard the cam by more than 5 degrees you selected the wrong cam.

Advancing the cam will tend to improve low/mid range power and retarding it will improve high end power.

Dave Clement Pembroke, MA 03 PT Cruiser GT Turbo 99 Dakota SLT+ CC 4x4 68 Barracuda sport coupe