Calling Doctor Fine..Doctor Howard!!! Now Dougie..Dr. Elskens,my Neurosurgeon,wouldn't think that to be funny! On second thought,maybe he would! He does have a great sense of well as yourself! I did mention the SMART use of titanium to keep my race-weight down and he just had that ear-to-ear grin on his face! He said the procedure went EXACTLY as planned! Should be a NEW MAN in no time! My spine,and incision-site are virtually pain-free! Only pain I'm feeling,and it's a TERRIBLE sore,and VERY irritated throat..from having to move my tracha and esophogus out of the way during surgery! Doc told me it'll be NASTY sore for another day or two..then dissapate altogether! Tonight is the longest I've been able to stay on the computer at one sitting and not have to get up and walk away because of pain and stiffness!!! THANK YOU ALL for your support through my "little ordeal" Thank God the last 3 days being in the hospital are over! It was a REAL PITA..if you know what I mean! Thank You All once agan! You are my STRENGTH... as well as the Lord himself,and my Lovely wife,and personal RN,Corinne! She is the one who keeps me strong and optimistic,ALWAYS!!! RandyB BTW..couple pics of the "beautiful" incision site..and my unkempt,un-shaven appearance!