
I love AJ....but he gets no sympathy from me on this one.

He's a professional....he has people who relate to what he does off and on the track. This probably was a fluke....it probably is explainable. But, when you do it for a living, and your in the goldfish bowl, you've got to be extra careful. You may not like it, it may not be fair, but that is the way it is. It comes with the job.

I doubt they do anything more to him....but, he knows better.

You that are more Holy than others need to take a look in the mirror.

I can't believe some of the comments here.
He wasn't driving the race car. Qualifying didn't start for a couple hours. If he would have been given the 15 min CDL rule he could have gone back to his trailer and brushed his teeth, ate something, and most likely passed, and still had a couple hours before qualifying.

So when are they going to test everyone. Sportsman included.
I don't know a single sportsman driver who has done a blow test.
My point being, why just the Pros?
Man oh man, there would be a bunch of suspended sportsman drivers based on a ZERO breath test..

This whole thing stinks..
