I want a Low 1st Gear for my 904.

I did a lot research and it seem to come "if I want Low 1st Gear, I will have Low 2nd Gear". Like the 904 Ratio is: 2.45/1.45/1 if I change/swap to Low 1st Gear, it will be: 2.74/1.54/1 , no other option.

But I want 2.74/1.45/1

After study the 904 by myself, I release that if I want Low 1st Gear, I will need new REAR ring gear & smaller Sun Gear(other side Sun Gear stay the same 28 teeth)and possibility new Low-Reserve Drum.

Anyone make a Gear Set to lower 1st gear ratio only?

Or anyone have modify the 904 that way, can you please let me know how did you do?

Thank in advance

Last edited by barracuda7; 09/13/10 10:04 PM.