Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. A lot of interesting stuff here.

In random order;

I agree that Dan Fletcher's colums are some of the best stuff we run. The whole idea of him writing about his adventures came from a conversation we had many years ago when he was bemoaning his luck. I told him, you should write all this down. It would make a great story.
That was 1996 and who knew he'd still be at it.

Evan Smith is also a big asset to ND. His perspective is unique because he's not only a top knotch journalist, but also a die-hard sportsman racer (even if it's a Ford)

We also enjoy the Featured Flyers. It's nice to put the spotlight on some racers who might not otherwise get noticed. Sure enough, every one of them has an interesting story to tell. Incidently, we decided to feature one car per race this year so that we could go into more detail and use more photos. personally, I like the new format but I suppose it's possible that we could make some adjustments in the future.

Finally, while I enjoy all facets of working at ND, I hope it's obvious that my favorites are the sportsman racers. There was a time when I contemplated working in the Tech Department but decided to stick with ND. The major difference? When I pick up the phone, I (usually) get to talk with happy racers (ie national event winners).