
Well I really appreciate that and it is nice to hear someone come out here and say it but regardless, I should have never stooped so low. Not only was it petty on my part but It isnt the first time that I've dealt with it. I mean it is unavoidable with this business. You guys want to laugh, I just hashed it out with some guys over at the ADVRider.com forum. They were 10x worse and what was bad about it, I made it very clear that I had absolutely no clue about this bike we were selling. I catch grief on most forums, other then the CC forum and some others. I don't make it easy on myself when I do take things outside of the box (using models, cross promoting, etc.) so it is to be expected. Either way, I'm sorry to those I offended and for those who watched me behave like a complete jack #$ss.

Sputnik, I appreciate the encouragement. I'm working with the DMV in Sacramento to see if I am able to get anywhere in that direction. It was pretty exciting digging through the paint and finding the paint scheme. My father was actually with me and he too was excited. We are all pretty happy about it. It would be fantastic just to restore this car back to Lees specifications. It is something we are discussing and may possibly just go ahead and do. Before the market started shaking, Galen had put the car at around 250k restored back to how Landy had it. Now I agree with you, it doesnt hold a huge amount of value based on Landy owning it but I do believe it holds some. Obviously not as much as Lee Cameron setting records in it. Regardless, it would be remarkable to see it completely back to PDQ specifications.

It's easy for people to get angry when reading posts on here.
That's why they have a button for "ignore this user".
I've used that on on rare occasions.

As far as the car, what ever you can do to document how Lee raced it the better and that's how it needs to be restored to.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol