I cought the tail end of the 85 or 86 when they were held here in MI in Ann Arbor IIRC. I attended my 1st Nat's in Columbus in 87. Didn't miss it for many years. I ended up owning this 69 R/T in 06 and a buddy pointed out that it had the Nats 87 decal on the windshield. I dug out my pics. and sure enough I had taken a photo. I purchased the car from the daughter of the original owner and she remembered taking the car to the Nat's in 87. The 1st outing for the car with a fresh paint job. I remember taking the picture of the car and waiting for the family to get out of the car. Sorry never scanned the original but here's one from when I bought the car. Still had the same tires and everything even the mudflaps that here dad added. It was a B5 on B7 buckets console auto with a 4:10 dana car. Really cool car.

6149463-69B5RT027.jpg (282 downloads)