Shop name: Performance Only

City and state: West Palm Beach , Fl.

Contact person: Dan

Phone number: DRAM on moparts , PM for now ???

Days & hours: ??

dyno & type (engine,chassis, both): not yet ???

porting services (yes/no): not yet ???

comments: did the assembly of the Moparts Engine Masters Entry , does all makes and attention to detail is amazing .


Shop name: Porter Racing Heads

City and state: Burlington , Vt.

Contact person: Dwayne Porter

Phone number: 802-951-1955

Days & hours: M-F 9-5 (??)

dyno & type (engine,chassis, both): superflo engine dyno

porting services (yes/no): yes

comments: Dwayne works on all makes , specializes in cylinder head porting , his personal car is a MOPAR

running up my post count some more .