
I don't understand why you're quoting me??? I've never owned a Chevy .....I own the car now, know EXACTLY why it wheel stood, and know how to keep it from happening....YOU on the other hand just like to talk about things you know nothing about...

If you know what causes a wheel stand, preventing them is easy.....

By what you've written, it's obvious you're the one that doesn't have a clue what it takes to make ANY car "work".....

Yet another typical Die Hard Joe Dirt Mopar Guy that doesn't know near as much as he wants his mullet wearing friends to think......

First off SQUEEZE, i was quoting MEGADART , not you. But since you wanna run your piehole, my joe dirt junk runs very quick for what it is, and I built it, I didn't BUY IT.
Matter of fact, I was backing the Cuda not bashing it. Get ur facts straight.
I know what it's like to go fast on a small tire on the motor, and my junk aint right yet!