Ok this is a slightly unusual twist to the usual question, 'who has the best weatherstrips'.....

SOme years ago (around 5 I think) I bought a set of cat's whiskers for my '69 Charger - I was told on this board that this place was the best- and sure enough it was.

Fast forward 2 years when I started to put them on- I installed some of the sets but not the complete set as I was still doing interior work....

Fast forward again to the present day when I finally finished this work and I'm now ready to put the rest of them in..... come to find that I'm now missing a few pieces

So I need to ask this question again but stipulate that yes, I did search the board to try to find some names- RPM and Topcat came up in the search. However I'm pretty sure I didn't deal with these guys when I bought my original set, and I'm trying to find out who I bought them from so I can make sure the missing pieces I get will match the pieces I already have. Can anyone else remember who else sells cats whiskers other than those other two places?


'69 Dodge Charger R/T