I get the blame for everything good or bad.Along with Eric the BGR crew had a great weekend.Chaz ran a 9.12 at 149.5 on his first full pass on a brand new engine,then did a 5 foot wheelstand for a few 100' and peddeled down,then ran a string of 9.teens all day,Donny ran a string of 9.20s all day with a bunch of .00 lights with a best of.002.Darryal ran a string of 9.20s also.Eric Deaken ran some mid 10s in Dave Selbys' Satllite and Curt Jr ran a string of 11.0s.Ron McCelland ran consistant mid 9s with his Hemi Cornet.AJ and Shelley Casini were beating up on everyone.All in all we had a great time playing with some new combos.Once Eric(Arrow) does some upgrade on carb and tuning he will find some more power.It was very hot and less than ideal conditions.