This piece was written by Herb McC & is at least 10 years old-is it still good information? He was kind enough to answer oiling questions over the phone when I was rebuilding my small block stroker in the early '90s, and sent me oiling info on both small blocks and B/RB/Hemi engines. He's a pretty cool guy in my book.


McCandless Performance has many years of experience and has spent many hours on the Chrysler B-RB-Hemi motors. We have put together a list of suggested improvements for your oil system which can be made at little or no cost to you. It is very important that you follow these instructions exactly as they are described to you in the following report. Please be sure and call us if you have any questions at all on the procedures that are mentioned.

Remove all five main caps. With an 8-10” 9/32 drill bit drill the oil passages from the top of the main saddle to the lifter galley on the passenger side of the block to 9/32. Do not drill passages to the cam. Do not restrict the oil to the rockers. If you run a solid or roller lifter camshaft you should cut oil off to the lifters on the drivers side of the block. This can be done by following these instructions.

On the rear of the block, remove the pipe plug on the drivers side of the block next to the camshaft. You will need a 19/32 freeze plug. Install the 19/32 plug into the oil galley on the drivers side of the block. Drive the plug into the block about 1 1/4 inches or until you can see the passage coming across the back of the block that feeds the oil to the drivers side galley. Clean and install pipe plug. Oil is now cut off to the lifters on the drivers side of the block. The only way to cut oil off to the passenger side is by installing sleeves in each lifter.

In a street motor we highly recommend a Milodon #30930 pan and a street Hemi size pickup (1/2 inch pipe). The block must be re-drilled and tapped to 1/2” pipe. There is a standard size pickup available for this pan but why put a high volume oil pump on the motor and not increase the oil available to the pump? Once all passages are drilled, completely clean the block very thoroughly. We use a Milodon #34010 brush kit to clean all the oil passages and it works very well.

On a race motor the only system that we recommend is the Milodon dual line system. This has been the standard of the industry system on the motors for years. The dual line Milodon is very expensive but not near as costly as the price to replace a good race motor. Fix it right the first time.

We do not recommend using a stock pan that has been deepened. This type of pan runs out of oil under acceleration and deceleration. This can cause spun bearings and broken rods and also causes a costly repair bill.