You guys are probably not too far from the truth there, It has been a long time after all.....

If I can get in one successful run without anything going haywire, we can get our photo op anytime after that Randy. I have video capability also but don't know if I'll bring the camera...sometimes, the less stuff to go wrong the better.

Today was NOT supposed to be a thrash fest, just swapping tires and a couple parts, no big deal, relaxing day at home getting things done. Then at 11am I couldn't find the @#$^^@#$^$#!@#%^&%^& keys

To make a long story short...keys were eventually found...
7 hours later I wanted to be done by then....

I put a few miles on it on radials/the normal stock shocks I like to use, dinked with the idle mixture some more and it ended up just like last maybe it was right to begin with. I could swear the idle mixture was changing on it's own for awhile there (which is possible, since it started with old gas in it), but after running some fresh fuel through it, it went back to normal.

I then did the Hoosier cheater slicks, DS2 front runners, took off the sway bar, and put the QA1 front shocks on/ adjusted them to full loose in extension. Went for a spin to cool off, and it sure drives like crap I had totally forgotten how weird all that stuff feels until under power...definitely not the hot ticket for street use. But I'm gonna do it anyway, Lapeer ain't all that far. See you guys in the morning.

Rich H.

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